Tips Menjaga Rumah Anda Bersih dan Bebas Bulu Hewan Peliharaan
Are you noticing a lot of dog or cat hair building up on your sofa and carpet? Rest assured, you aren't alone. While most shedding occurs at the end of the winter season, shedding can also be a year-long issue. baca juga artikel tentang jasa bersih bersih bandung Establishing good grooming practices with your pets will keep your home clean year-round as well as make your dog and cat feel and look better. Follow these simple steps to rid your home of pet fur: 1. Brush your pet with a brush designed for your pet's coat. Your local pet store will be able to assist you in picking the correct comb or brush. This special comb or brush will increase the amount of dead and undercoat fur collected before it reaches your carpet or furniture. 2. Shampoo your pet after brushing to remove mats and tangles that can get worse after bathing and drying. And a really efficient cleaning tip is to bathe your cat or dog before scrubbing your bathtub. Since bathing your pet will prod...